We welcome your gifts and donations to the ministry, without your help we would not be able to do what we do. Help from such generous donors as you is enabling us to complete our projects; such as building schools for children who have to walk ten miles to get there, helping prisoners and blessing villagers. When you donate to Bathshan Foundation, you sow into a fertile ground.
Donating to the ministry is safe, secure and simple. You will be redirected instantly to the PayPal secured server. Paypal is now 100% secure so you may be assured that you gift will be received by us.
Thank you for choosing to support this ministry. May you be blessed as you sow. To proceed fill the form below and click the donate button.
Thank you for giving a helping hand and being a blessing, your gift will not return unto you void, but it will bear fruit for the Kingdom of God and equally return a blessing unto you. (Luke 6:38)