Daniel 7:5 “And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear. It was raised up on one side, and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. And they said thus to it: ‘Arise, devour much flesh!’

The Bear is an animal that goes into hibernation at a particular time. This also is represented in how the body of Christ in how at times when we feel like the season is right, we are in every conference.
When they are awakened to the fact that they have been Christians for a long time and nothing has changed, they get hungry and begin to feed.
The need of the moment will get you to eat something that you ordinarily would not eat. When you are feeding you forget that if you overfeed yourself you struggle to digest. We take in every “Thus saith the Lord” and get overloaded. So the moment the Rhema word comes you will not know. Every prophetic revelation comes with its own impartation. Every time God wants to speak to you, He would have taken the vessel through a churning. You need to be able to catch something and know what you are catching.
Preparation for New Revelation
When Jesus Christ resurrected, Mary was talking to Him thinking He was a gardener. Jesus could be anything and any time. He could take on any form because He has paid a great price. The price that He has paid gives Him the legal right to be able to intervene in every affair of life. There is nothing and no one that could come near Him and not be changed. Everything on earth, in the sea – everything is subject to Jesus Christ.
God will never reveal new revelation in a familiar place. Even the one that would reveal the
revelation would have gone through a preparation. So when they are bringing the prophetic word to you it is seasoned lest the prophetic becomes watered down. You need to know what you are catching because you as a human being need to be very sensitive to what you are eating.
Sensitivity to Spiritual Diet
Some of the things you are eating will either make you lean or fat. There are certain diets that are so good for you that no matter how much you eat, you never put on weight. However, when you wake up from hibernation into the realisation that you have slept too much, you want everything to happen straight away.
When you arise out of hibernation you wake up feeling justified in thinking you can eat anything you want simply because you are hungry. So you binge on everything and overfeed yourself without going through the proper digestion for you to really grow.
In the Body of Christ, some hibernate with sin habits. When you go into hibernation your fears go with you as do your insecurities. It doesn’t mean that because you are exposed to the truth and to revelation that you are perfect; no man is perfect. It doesn’t mean that because you sit with God you may not leave His very presence and within a short while become irritated.
Actually when with God feeding on what is right, your issues will come out (sin habits, fear habits, insecurities, rejection). Hunger for His presence will lead you to not pretend but to simply ask Him to feed you what you need.
Wrestling with the Bear
The scripture says the bear was lying on one side. Nobody can persistently lie on one side without developing issues. So when the Bear now turns, things come up and it begins to wrestle with you.
The 3 ribs in the bear’s mouth represent the main factors of life. Those finances, that business etc. that you are wrestling for gets broken into pieces when a little bit of trouble comes.
You’ve been exposed so when you are supposed to be going to the next level you are wrestling with your sin habit. You are looking for confirmation and affirmation not being able to handle what is rightfully yours. You have hidden your issues so well behind your prophetic words, behind your feeding season that in the hibernation they were never dealt with.
What Did You Lose?
You end up breaking good things up and then God begins to address then situation. Whilst you have been lying down a certain way, He now needs the body of Christ to turn. When you do, you begin to fix the things that you have let go on far too long.
The last time you turned and got up, what did you lose? What relationship did you lose? What job did you lose? Are you still able to justify your anger or whichever of the same things you have been wrestling with? If you are so well fed and prepared from the last season, why do you still have these issues? What are these things that you have been wrestling with far too long? What are the things that have been there far too long? What did you do with the word that God gave you?
Don’t blame people for your lack of preparation; do whatever you can do in your present state to stop you breaking the rib of that which will sustain you. Turning means to put proper structures in place.
Structure in Ministry
In ministry structure looks like eliminating competition by extending opportunities to everybody and putting certain boundaries in place. No one person can do everything; it is not humanly possible. It’s not about preaching everywhere looking for a gig but doing things with purpose. When God is getting ready to take you to the next level He will keep you quiet. He removes the busyness so you stand out with substance and give people what they need instead of what you think they want.
When you turn you realise that God is not denying you but He is preparing you. You can actually see the stuff you are made of; how you can be strong and be sustained. For God to be able to speak to you in a deep way you should delight to hear His voice. Train yourself to wait before God in obedience. Without obedience, you cannot have the access. You must be willing to look a fool just to be obedient to God and hear His voice.
Give God the areas of life that you know you have not turned over to Him that can come and hinder your progress.
Tell God that although you know the word, you are actually not applying it to every area of your life; tell Him “I have got this issue…”
It is time to apply the word you already have.
Confess if you can’t handle other people’s success.
Kneel before God and tell Him the truth about you not being where you are meant to be.
Confess where you were exposed to the anointing and ate too much without allowing it to digest and you didn’t deal with things properly.
The Bear: Prayers For The Body of Christ
● That Lord we would stake a claim to the Throne, in the name of Jesus.
● We pray that in this year 5777 that your church will arise to heaven, that insence, praise,
worship, purity, holiness will arise to your throne, making you pleased to write your name on
our foreheads
● Father god that we would go out with the name of God, distinguishable for everything that
comes against the knowledge of God
● That no longer would we mix the holy and the profane
● That there would be a line of demarcation and that your plumb-line would fall
● That we would stand up from our sides and stand upright once again; we would be upright
before you
● That we would be a river not of death and confusion but a river of life
● We would flow in the midst of injustice, unrighteousness, perversion
● We want to see the river from your throne bring life because we know who we are
● Lord we praying as for the life giving spirit of Jesus Christ to empower your church
● We are seated in the beloved in high places next to Father God the lover of our souls; that
we would reign and rule
● Anoint your church once again with you signet ring
● We decree that every gate be opened, every head be lifted, every ancient door be destroyed that You the King of Glory may come in
● Lord in righteousness judge and make war on behalf of the church and bride
● We want to go from the place of servant-hood to friendship to sonship to bridal love with You
● That we would be a lovesick warrior bride, ready in the place of waiting for You; that we
would go out with courage and confidence to make you name known.
Prayers from Song of Solomon 3
Although it was dark, the bride got up. Lord we recognise that there is darkness around us but yet we pray for the identity of the bridal church.
● That the church would have confidence because the winter is gone and there is a new sound
● We have been asleep for too long and taken on board things that we don’t know how to get rid of
● We pray for the leaders across the body of Christ and those whom you are calling to do more
● That even as the bear has turned; the things that have hibernated will leave the body of
Christ in Jesus Name
● We pray for fear to leave and faith to rise up; for laughter to come instead of sadness
● For anyone hibernating with sadness and depression, we rebuke that depression and speak life
● Where lies are we speak truth; Where death is, we speak life
● Father, where those are holding their destiny in their mouth carelessly we pray that they
would treasure their ribs for from it comes life; from it you made woman
● Father let people know that the ribs that they put in their mouths are their very destiny
Not by might or power; Holy Spirit come into these core things in our lives
● Make a way! Lord free us from every bondage that we would serve you fully, in the name of Jesus!
Cut It Off!
Lord everything that has wrestled with us for generations, we cut off in Jesus Name
We cut off every ancestral thing; we break family divisions off of our lives
Break the patterns of old!
Move forward; you shall be great!
After making these declarations, clap your hands and contend; shout until this thing goes! The Spirit of the Lord really wants to give someone a breakthrough. The Lord is giving the authority for the monitoring spirit to be judged tonight. God is dealing with rivalry within the family; you will succeed in the name of Jesus!
Father, in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon me and my household; that the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous. Therefore every demonic power of spirit assigned to derail or hinder my blessing; I command your total destruction in the name of Jesus. I break and destroy every yoke of the enemy. I command my release, my liberty from whatever is troubling my life.
Every evil spirit, principality, powers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places, give me my blessing and breakthrough now! I command you total destruction in Jesus name! Every demonic assignment, standing in my way interfering in my marriage, my family, my ministry, my business; scatter by fire in the name of Jesus!
I command and decree that all operations, activities of the wicked against my life, my family, my business, my finances come to an end. No more!! Deliver and save me from every demonic oppression sent to frustrate my breakthrough in the name of Jesus!
I command every spiritual and physical robber operating against my family, my business, my
ministry, my finance to scatter and be consumed by fire. Fire of the Holy Ghost! I command every demonic mirror, machine monitoring the progress of my destiny to scatter in Jesus name. Every evil agenda programmed to frustrate, hinder and stop my blessings, my business; I command you to perish in the name of Jesus.
Every demonic entity pursuing my family, marriage, business and finance; I sentence you to divine judgement in the name of Jesus! Every satanic power, hold, dominion or forces attacking and working against my home, ministry and destiny; I decree your total defeat and destruction in Jesus name!
Rise up
Where you feel like there is a spiritual force holding you down, you really must rise up against it. It doesn’t matter if it is your uncle or your brother. God is judging some big things. Some things need to come to an end. If you believe your life can change, you will see this with your own eyes
● Open your mouth and fight back!
● Shout until this thing goes!
● Speak to your mountain and command it to move.
● Look at whatever situation is there and judge it.
● Roar like you have never roared before.
Father in the name of Jesus I declare I am not limited; not by my past or my present. I declare that my future is bright. I declare today that I advance to the next level in the name of Jesus! I am not limited or hindered. Obstacles are removed. I call forth my destiny and the anointing for the now. I call forth good health. I call prophets to me; Lord I will not abuse the prophetic therefore let prophets come to me and cause me to be found and empowered.
Right now, I evict anyone taking my rest. I evict every principality that is taking my ground. I take my rightful place in the realms of the spirit and I will be located by the power of the Holy Ghost! I will excel in Jesus name. It is my legal right and it is my inheritance. Today is the day of deliverance because of the blood of Jesus Christ! I believe in it and I will walk in victory. I am victorious in Jesus name! Thank Him for no more limitation!
Psalm 145
1 I will extol You, my God, O King;
And I will bless Your name forever and ever.
2 Every day I will bless You,
And I will praise Your name forever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;
And His greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall praise Your works to another,
And shall declare Your mighty acts.
5 I[a] will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty,
And on Your wondrous works.[b] 6 Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts,
And I will declare Your greatness.
7 They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness,
And shall sing of Your righteousness.
8 The Lord is gracious and full of compassion,
Slow to anger and great in mercy.
9 The Lord is good to all,
And His tender mercies are over all His works.
10 All Your works shall praise You, O Lord,
And Your saints shall bless You.
11 They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom,
And talk of Your power,
12 To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts,
And the glorious majesty of His kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
And Your dominion endures throughout all generations.[c] 14 The Lord upholds all who fall,
And raises up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look expectantly to You,
And You give them their food in due season.
16 You open Your hand
And satisfy the desire of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in all His ways,
Gracious in all His works.
18 The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He also will hear their cry and save them.
20 The Lord preserves all who love Him,
But all the wicked He will destroy.
21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord,
And all flesh shall bless His holy name
Forever and ever.
Meditate on your promises and not your defeat. This must become a habit. God is good to all; not to some people but all. It is not God’s will for anyone to fail. May the Lord make us patient as he gives us our food at the proper time. Call on Him in truth, believing He will do what He says. Meditate in this scripture until you have revelation and faith, ready to take on the Fierce Beast.
● Father we break every ungodly covenant over our lives and our children’s children.
● Anyone that is held back, we declare liberty.
● Once the battle is won in the mind it translates to every area of life.
● Don’t tank in false loyalty next to a parent or family member; go further, fulfill your own
● Jesus give me a heart that loves and a heart that understands.
● Lord I thank you for wisdom and increase!
In The Mighty Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!