Dear Saints,
Early this morning The Lord gave me the most amazing love scripture in Song of Solomon 4. As I allowed Him to open my eyes and become sensitive to what He was saying to me, I felt it was very important for me to also bring this to you and what He explained it means to the Body of Christ.
Jesus began to explain through this word the contours of the beauty of the bride. The structures of the neck, the lips.
I felt He was saying that some of you are ready; prepared to speak and to stand out. The neck represents honour and standing out. For many, the outline and framework is done.
He then highlighted two animals that He was telling the bride to get rid of reasons being these animals were hindering progress. One was a lion, the other one was a jackal. When Jesus is Lion of the Tribe of Judah, He protects us.

However, when the enemy brings a lion into your life to guard your destiny it puts fear around you and prevents you from advancing into your destiny. It limits your movement and who you are.
This also represents a stronghold presenting itself as God. False revelation, false perception, the worlds system; whatever it is.
The other one is a jackal, an opportunistic animal. It is intrusive, jealous and marks its territory by urine and faeces. It also represents a spirit that is not meant to be part of your destiny but gained position by what it does to mark itself on your destiny by works.
Everything it is doing is for gain and so it defiles many because of the faeces and urine it uses to mark territory. It's an opportunistic person that basically comes into your life for a period of time to defile for what they can get.
As the Spirit of the Lord sat with me and began to expose these two animals that seem to be guarding the bride, the Lord says, "Expose these two things now" because many of you are ready. Look at it, see it in yourself, around you and get rid of it.
In praying these two things out, call the North Wind and the South Wind to begin to announce you in this new season. That the fragrance and the spices that God has put in your life would be blown to places where it would be smelt for your destiny helpers to come.
That nobody would try to mark the territories of your destiny by false good works. May the Spirit of God open your eyes even as you go back to Song of Solomon 4 and get more understanding.
Also as we are now entering into the Jewish New Year, pray that the South and North wind would announce you and the things you are believing God for would come to you.
Favour comes to you in just a second when the right wind is blowing.
Also as I kept praying I saw many caged and the enemy roaming around like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). Those caged had the authority to overcome but what they needed was courage.
Then I saw the word courage twisted into rebellion. I saw many thinking they were being courageous actually acting in rebellion and anger.
Here the presentation of the jackal comes into play as it operates from the spirit of rivalry. So then rivalry begins to replace courage and as it marks its territory with faeces, things gets messy.
I began to weep over the body of Christ that in the New Year many people will begin to awaken to see that having courage is not about rebellion because it causes so much shipwreck. The Dove is not able to settle because it is contending with the Raven.
Oh Saints, love the Lord. Let His love settle in your heart. That the Holy Spirit will become like water to your soul as He refreshes you.
Please pray , that you won't become shipwrecked but this new season will yield it's fruit.
Blow Holy Spirit Blow, for your love is so strong!
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Reverend Betty King