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The Journey to Intimacy

Dear Saints,

The process of intimacy is one that culminates with the seeds of faith and impossibility as they are deposited within you. The results of that union with Him are what you proclaim and speak out. However, the process of that intimacy is a sacred exchange between yourself and God. It is important to preserve, protect and steward well these most precious threads of your life-tapestry that God is weaving.

Psalm 65:4 says, “Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, of Your holy temple.” God alone knows what cause He was using to draw you there, into His presence. He knows how sometimes, even in drawing you to Himself, you will feel as if He is not there because of your pain.

In the process of intimacy, God desires to set His truth in our innermost parts, and it is in some of our most vulnerable moments of weakness and poverty that He comes to do that. He does this to foster intimate connection through building trust in the purity of His heart toward you. 1 John 3:20 says, “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” In those moments where your heart condemns you and you cannot look at Him due to shame, God comes in to show Himself trustworthy and as a pillar of strength in your weakness.

God comes in to settle anxious hearts and show Himself greater than the pain that causes you to self-medicate. Even when you don’t understand all that is happening, or you feel like you can’t trust God and turn away, His loving-kindness draws you into Love’s embrace. He woos you with a song or with a word and warms your heart to turn to Him without fear. His perfect love casts out fear, so you turn your face toward Him again.

This process of turning is where the exchange takes place, and your fear becomes faith. These moments are sacred between you and God, but the product of that turning are the words that you then speak, your ability to dream, your ability to do the impossible, your ability to stand and your ability to not give up.

Saints, these intimate moments with God need to be preserved and kept pure, that the world will see the fruit of intimacy which empowers you to give birth to His purpose. Protect what is sacred, but let the world see the good works of God in and through you. The glory on your life will cause people to take hold of you and say, ”Show me your God, for your God is real!”

The journey of intimacy can be painstaking as He exposes your inner self to be seen by Him. God, in turn, covers you when you are undone so that you will learn to trust Him again. Your whole world may be on public display, yet you can trust Him, for in that vulnerability, He is building you with beauty.

The Lord is real and He is near to those who call on Him. Intimacy always brings conception, causing you to give birth to something bigger than yourself. Though it may be uncomfortable to carry and painful to birth--in Him and through Him--God makes all things possible.


Reverend Dr. Betty King


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