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The Reset

Dear Saints,

Blessings and more. We’ve come into a season where the Lord is restructuring and reordering. In my time away with Him, I heard Him say that in this season even a blind prophet who truly knows Him will be able to see what will take place before it happens. As I pondered this, I felt the Lord really wanted me to bring a word to you regarding the prophetic movement.(1 Kings 14:3)

The prophetic is built on trust

The Bible says that God does nothing without first revealing it to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). To be in this position is to have the fear of God and to be a friend of God. This means that He can trust you with His secrets and with His people. It means also that He can depend on you to steward what He is building and to do what is right consistently.

There are a few things that need to be set right in this season to be in this position. I will share a few points with you that will enable repentance and the restoration of the true prophetic.

Discernment that disarms dysfunction

We have entered a season where true prophetic people are arising in a spirit of authenticity. These are ones who know God and who’s hearts are tender, and who move with such deep mercy and compassion because of the fear of God. They will be bridges that bring about restoration to many people’s lives for the supernatural to manifest.

One way they will do this is through godly discernment. In this season, when the true prophets are sitting with people, they will be able to discern their true intentions, not out of suspicion or insecurity, but in a spirit of truth that is able to bring restoration to them. The prophetic is not simply for the pulpit but is to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth, and this means that it will be a part of the many conversations that take place day to day.

What God makes known in Heaven must be revealed here on earth. Prophets come across many people who clearly are gifted but carry a lot of issues. If we do not lovingly approach and address these issues when we should, then we empower somebody that the enemy is able to use to bring about confusion and division in the Body of Christ. We know very well that God is not the author of confusion. Prophets need to discern the damage that such people can cause and address it before allowing them into a company where their issues flare up and hinder others and unleash curses.

The shadows are disappearing and being removed as God raises up people who can discern the truth, challenge the narratives, and address the flesh and ambitions of the gifted ones in their midst. We cannot allow tribes to be created around dysfunction anymore, as this has given rise to too much civil war within the Body of Christ in days gone past. I saw many such civil wars in the Body and many people distracted trying to defuse what they started. No matter how much people have prayed, these things have not gone away because they have been caused by the very same people and the right path to repentance has been difficult to find. Without true discernment and correction, the enemy cannot be defeated. But God is gifting the prophetic to His Church once more, as He will not allow His family to destroy itself.

Prophetic alignments for persistent growth

I also clearly saw the stripping away of big palm trees that once gave shelter. These related to people who were no longer growing spiritually as they should because they needed to bring new people around them who would make them grow. Spiritual growth should continue even into old age, as the Bible says, “they will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green” (Psalm 92:14).

God really wants to connect these people with others who are authentic and would cause them to flourish. However, when these connections come, loyalties to other people from earlier times of their life are causing them not to see when and how they need to realign. As a result, they stick with something that has long gone wrong, not admitting that they are not seeing the growth that they should, or even that they have been completely taken out. This is where humility needs to come in.

In these situations, the people may claim to be prophetic but due to being polluted by other people they’ve become seriously blind. Per Proverbs 24:24-25, shadows come on us when we call the unrighteous righteous, and many people have lost their cutting edge because they would rather believe a lie than enquire of the Lord as a prophet for His point of view. God’s justice and judgement have gone against the falsehoods and the unrighteous agreements and have really affected some of these people.

Nonetheless, God is restoring the authentic prophetic to bring growth once again to those who have dried up and stalled because of these things.

Favour for true worship

The presence of God is increasing in our worship, but He wants to take us further. He is looking for laid down lovers who can connect with him and who are able to bring others into His presence. These are ones who will not compromise their anointing for anything but are in it to build His kingdom. They are not turning left, right and centre but know their assignments. God will breathe on everything they do. Wherever they go, the prophetic worshippers will be honoured and provided for. The justice of God on their behalf will astound many in this season.

Make sure you do the background checks

For pastors and leaders, I see God coming to refresh you. If anyone joins your church, make sure you do the necessary background checks on them, especially if they are gifted. There are many people moving from one place to another, and it’s not everybody that is called to your tribe. If you take them in without the proper checks and they were not meant to be a part of what you are doing, then they will leave after a while and discredit what you’ve painstakingly built. Because of their gifting and manner, many will think that they are the right ministries to be working with and will believe their lies about you.

Some of these people have left division behind them before coming to you. Don’t overlook this when they come to you because of your eyes are on their gifting. Do the background checks and homework and send them back to where they have come from to make the repairs and restore the unity before you take them in. We must build the Body through unity, and not allow any gulfs of division to become wider.

There is more to come.


Rev. Betty King


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